Considering male enhancement? Want to know what it's like to go from having a tiny penis size to a much bigger endowment? Continue reading to learn more. Pennis development.
Exercises have become the most popular form of male enhancement solution recently as they are much cheaper than the pills or extenders. However, many people are pointing out that exercises do little or nothing to improve their penis size. So, the real question is, do they really stand up to science? In this article I'm going to look at the explanation behind exercises, whether this is real science or pseudoscience, and if exercises really do work to improve your penis size...
The whole basis of exercises is that you perform something called a jelq. A jelq is a way of forcing blood into the chambers of your penis to promote sites gains. However, many people have been disappointed by the results, to put it mildly. The reason for this is that most guides are hastily put together and too little to improve the size. A study by Zoo Magazine, from the UK, found that off under it and for men who perform exercises only seven gained significantly.
What Zoo Magazine also noted was that these men were the healthiest. The thing that troubled the report of the most was that guides are being sold when the information is freely available online. A study in The Journal of Urology, in winter 2004, found that exercises only work in over a few cases. The Journal went on to claim that the reason for this is because this science behind these methods is somewhat flawed. Exercises rely on a man being healthy, with a high level of growth hormones and nutrients within the blood.
See also: Pennis developmentA study on the Matters of Size on the Internet found that exercise guys typically sell for between $29 and as much as $99. The members then revealed parts of what was in them and discovered that all of them contained the same basic techniques and that nothing original or new was provided in the $99 guide. However, some people on the forum quickly reported that they had seen gains from male enhancement exercises. Through personal research I found that all of these men went to the gym regularly and most of them reported having a healthy diet. This evidence ties in with that of the Journal of Urology.
The only way that exercises caused significant gains is if there is enough growth hormone, nutrients, essential amino acids, necessary biochemicals and vitamins in the bloodstream. Some people have reported seeing gains by addressing these issues without performing exercises. This has led scientific thought to believe that exercises are not the essential factor of growth but merely part of the course. It has been suggested that the growth happens with exercises only when these other issues have been addressed.
Medically trained professionals have therefore come up with natural enhancement guides which focus on addressing these issues within the body. Once these issues have been addressed and your body is working at its optimum, then exercises certainly do help to improve your overall size. If you're considering using exercises then I suggest that first of all you take a look at natural solutions and secondly, only use free exercises found online, rather than shelling out fortune for something which is readily available for free.
See also: Pennis development
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